What is Bluewater Cruising?
September 19, 2023

What is Bluewater Cruising?

Topsail News

When insurers refer to “Bluewater cruising” for boats, they are talking about a specific type of sailing or boating activity that involves navigating and sailing in open ocean waters, often far from coastlines and in potentially challenging conditions.

This term is important to insurers because it represents a higher level of risk compared to coastal or inland sailing, and it can affect the terms and pricing of boat insurance policies.

Key characteristics of Bluewater cruising include:

  1. Open Ocean Navigation: Bluewater cruising typically involves extended voyages that take boats far from land and into the open ocean. Sailors may be out of sight of land for extended periods.
  2. Challenging Conditions: Cruising in open waters can involve facing a wide range of weather and sea conditions, including storms, heavy waves, and unpredictable weather patterns.
  3. Self-Sufficiency: Bluewater cruisers often need to be self-sufficient for extended periods since they may not have easy access to ports or assistance in case of emergencies.
  4. Long-Distance Travel: These voyages can cover long distances, sometimes spanning across oceans or involving circumnavigation.

Insurers use the term “Bluewater cruising” to differentiate between different types of boating activities when underwriting boat insurance policies. Because Bluewater cruising carries higher risks compared to coastal or inland sailing, insurance policies for such activities may have higher premiums and more stringent requirements, including safety equipment, vessel condition, and the qualifications and experience of the boat’s crew.

It’s essential for boat owners planning Bluewater cruises to understand the specific requirements and coverage offered by their insurance policies and ensure that they meet all the insurer’s criteria to maintain coverage while engaging in this adventurous and challenging form of boating.

We’d be delighted at Topsail Insurance to quote for any of your Bluewater requirements whether that’s a trans Atlantic crossing, cruising the southern Pacific Islands, the Caribbean or anywhere in between please get in touch with our team for a quote.

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