A large boat in the ocean at sunset.

Commercial Marine & Marine Trades


Hull and Machinery

Topsail have access to a number of insurers who will provide competitive Hull and Machinery and Increased Value Insurance. The policies are based on London market policy forms or can be underwriters own bespoke wordings, which may include War Cover.

Third Party Liability

Liability for damage or injury to others in the operation of your marine vessels can be covered by the third Party Liability Insurance or depending on the size and suitability a Protection and Indemnity (P&I) policy.

Protection and Indemnity

P&I providers or Clubs are specialist underwriters that cover liability for larger vessels, commercial operators and more complex risks. This will include liability to ships crews, collision, removal of wreck, pollution etc.

Topsail insurance have access to a range of competitive P&I providers and can assist your personal requirements.

Yacht Owners Liability to Crew

Employing Crew on board your yacht or motor boat means that you potentially could have a responsibility to your crew for injury whilst they are employed by you. Topsail can arrange a special Yacht Owners Liability to Crew cover which protects you financially for claims made against you where one of your crew members may be injured.

Other Commercial marine

There are a wide range of complimentary products that can be provided. Please call the office to discuss your requirements.


Material Damage

There is a huge diversity of marine businesses that require insurance to cover their buildings, contents or stock from physical loss or damage. Topsail are able to arrange bespoke packages to protect the fabric of your business.

Public Liability

Liability to third parties in the operation of your marine business. Most boatyards and marinas will require a minimum of £ 2m of Public Liability cover and this can be extended to higher limits where required.

Products Liability

Products Liability provides cover where you manufacture or provide a product. Topsail are able to arrange Products Liability in conjunction with the Public Liability Insurance.

Employers’ Liability

Employing staff creates a legal responsibility for an employer to his employee. Employers’ Liability is compulsory and is required by UK law if you employ staff. Most EL policies will provide a cover for £10m of indemnity. It is important that your staff and you are correctly covered for operating in a marine environment.

Other Marine Trades

There are wide range of complimentary products that can be provided. Please call the office to discuss your requirements.

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